Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Updated post: 4/15/15 INTERVIEWS "Angelina Advocacy Effect"

@BRCAresponder after Angelina Op-Ed #2

A fellow BRCA advocate reached out to me and asked me for tips on doing interviews surrounding Angelina's latest op-ed and BRCA/hereditary cancer.  I thought this was a great opportunity to share these tips in a blog post for others doing interviews. My interviews following Jolie's 2nd op-ed are listed here as well.
XO Amy @BRCAresponder 

1. Be yourself!
2. If you are on going to be on television, wear something you are comfortable in, more fitted, not oversized, plus a good solid color. Avoid busy prints or the color green--not best for television. 
* even if you are a no-makeup person, television studio lights can really wash you out.  Wearing just a bit of HD foundation and HD powder, and blush or bronzer will really help you just look more like yourself on television. Not confident in your makeup application skills? Tip: just mix a dime size drop or less of foundation with your regular moisturizer! Let dry a few minutes before dusting of setting powder and your bronzer. 
3.  Have 1-2 key points in your head that you really want to get across no matter what interview questions are asked.
4.  For me, I always stress the importance of genetic counseling in the genetic testing equation in EVERY interview.
5. LISTEN to what the interviewer is asking you and know that your answer really has an opportunity to educate, save lives, empower.
6.  Refrain from using words like "should"- or "you should" or any judgement of others' cancer risk management choices. Everyone is different. Do your best to not say "UM". Practicing key points in advance can help avoid this.
****7.  Make sure you know the facts/science behind BRCA/Hereditary cancer and state those-not your opinion. Do your best to encourage the television station/producer/ interviewer that it is really smart that you be joined by an expert in GENETICS. The National Society of Genetic Counselors , or a breast surgeon, gynecological oncologist, or oncologist extremely familiar with BRCA/Hereditary cancer. *Language is very important. Say, recommendations as per research (science)… or my experience was...
8.  Talk about facts and/or your story w/compassion and passion.
9.  Breathe
10.  Be confident, you are educating and saving lives with your interview.
11.  You are the expert of your own experience. 
12.  You can do it, you are amazing, embrace your opportunity in the spotlight!


@BRCAresponder in the news after Angelina Op-Ed #2
3/24/15 @BRCAresponder on 
@WPTV news 
web chat transcript



RADIO SHOW 4/13/15